
Sugar Grove

Sugar Grove Life

Thank You Thank you Joey Bauer for keeping our Sugar Grove Borough sidewalks clean during all the winter snowstorms. You will find him up early before school plowing our sidewalks and we really appreciate it. Book Club The Sugar Grove Free Library Book Club Meeting will return this month ...

Sugar Grove Life

Sugar Grove Borough Council Meeting Due to the January holiday on 1/2/17, The Sugar Grove Borough Council Meeting will be held at the Sugar Grove Building on Monday, January 9th starting at 7:00 p.m. The General Public is welcome to attend. Red Kettle Campaign Thank you to all the Sugar ...

Sugar Grove Life

A Season of Giving Thank You to all those in our Community who gave throughout the Holiday Season.  While the economy struggles, it seems generous donations were being given every day. Our AMVETS and American Legion provided supplies to our Service men and women as well as Toys for Tots, our ...

Sugar Grove Life

Farewell to Nancy Page The Sugar Grove Presbyterian Church would like to extend an invitation to the community to say farewell to Pastor Nancy Page. Pastor Nancy has been involved with the little church for 15 years and has been the senior pastor and led the church for the last five ...

Sugar Grove Life

Food pantry The Sugar Grove Free Methodist Church, located at 210 Jamestown Street, is the host site for the northern part of Warren County for this program. Second Harvest is the major supplier of food to charitable agencies throughout Northwestern Pennsylvania. They obtain ...

Sugar Grove Life

By CANDIS RIEDER Correspondent The Greatest Generation Sugar Grove AMVETS Post 50 recently recognized the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941. In paying respect to our WW II veterans, the greatest generation, the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary hosted a dinner ...