
Sugar Grove

Sugar Grove Life

Toys for Tots Drive The Sugar Grove AMVETSAMVETS Post #50 sponsored a “Toys for Tots” fundraiser spaghetti dinner on Sunday, November 27th. Thank you to all who came out to support the benefit dinner.  All proceeds stay in Warren County.  The “Toys for Tots” collection box at ...

Street Landscape Committee may revise Beautification Awards process

The Street Landscape Committee finished the year with its November meeting, discussing revisions to the Beautification Awards process, the tree tender program, and reviewing 2016 accomplishments. This year, the committee has accomplished the following: Tom Frair, the city arborist, submitted ...

Sugar Grove Life

Toys For Tots Sugar Grove AMVETS Post 50 will be sponsoring a ‘Toys for Tots” fundraiser spaghetti dinner on Sunday, Nov. 27 beginning at noon. The dinner benefits the Warren County Marine Corps’ Project of Christmas for Warren County families. All proceeds stay in Warren ...

Sugar Grove Life

Troop 17 Awards Sunday, Nov. 5 the community saw Boy Scout Troop 17 traveling throughout town passing out bags to collect food for the local food pantry. Remember the scouts will return this Sunday to pick up those bags of donations. Thank you in advance. Also on Nov. 5 the troop ...

Sugar Grove Life

Troop 17 Awards Sunday, Nov. 5 the community saw Boy Scout Troop 17 traveling throughout town passing out bags to collect food for the local food pantry. Remember the scouts will return this Sunday to pick up those bags of donations. Thank you in advance. Also on Nov. 5 the ...

Sugar Grove Life

Trick or TreatSugar Grove Borough has set its 2016 Trick or Treat hours for Monday, Oct. 31 from 6 to 8 p.m. Trick or Treaters are welcome to visit those houses with porch lights on. There will also be some businesses participating in giving away candy, so stop in and check those places.The ...