It seems counter to our modern sensibilities that an act of Congress would cause public meetings, establishing committees and strong public statements in Warren County today.
Such was the case in the fall and winter of 1850.
The issue was one that had plagued the country since before its ...
Once a generation, there’s a story that dominates the headlines for weeks at a time.
For my generation, that was Sept. 11.
For the generations before me, it was Pearl Harbor, JFK or the Challenger disaster.
In our echo chamber-filled 24/7 news cycle, it’s almost impossible to ...
John Adams once called the vice presidency “the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived.”
But in a little over five months, we’ll go to the polls to pick electors that will pick the next one.
It’s a nebulous office. It ...
One name stands out on this year’s list from the Warren County Veterans Affairs Office.
Richard Sharrow, a Marienville, Pa., native who served in both the Army and the Navy, is identified as “MIA 7/25/1059. Brought Home 9/23/23.”
According to the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency ...
Lucille Ball died on April 26, 1989 due to complications from a heart surgery.
I knew the “I Love Lucy” megastar was born in Celeron and buried in Lakewood.
What I didn't know was that there was some controversy to bring that burial about.
According to an article in the New York ...
“KENT, Ohio (AP) - Four students were shot to death and 11 other persons wounded, four seriously in a confrontation with Ohio National Guardsmen and police at Kent State University.”
That was the lede in a small article published midway down the front page on May 5, 1970 in the Warren ...