
Get-together at Audubon to form new birding group, Wednesday, May 24

Photo bu Mary Kay Talarico Those who are fascinated by birds like these tree swallows are invited to Audubon Community Nature Center on Wednesday, May 24, for a conversation about forming a new birding group. This photograph, “Just Chatting” by Mary Kay Talarico of Erie, Pa., was an Adult Finalist in an Audubon Nature Photography Contest. (To learn about the 2023 contest, visit GoGoPhotoContest.com/ACNCPhotoContest2023.)

A new birding group is in the works.

Those who like birding, birds, or would like to learn more about either, are invited to a meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday to discuss a possible new birding group that could include former members of the RTPI (Roger Tory Peterson Institute) Ornithological Club and the Lake Erie Bird Club and Warren County residents. A meeting in northern Chautauqua County earlier in April collected input from people in that area.

At the meeting, ACNC and Twan Leenders will talk more about the purpose of the group and its goals, along with activities and meeting formats, and share some bird sightings and interesting observations. Some preliminary ideas include lots of field trips, bird counts and surveys, and classes.

Anyone from the region is invited to attend. After a social time, Audubon will present a short slide show about the proposed structure at 5:30 p.m.

Those who want to participate but can’t make the get-together, contact Sarah Hatfield at SHatfield@AudubonCNC.org or 716-569-2345.

The Audubon Community Nature Center is located at 1600 Riverside Road, one-quarter mile east of Route 62 between Jamestown and Warren. Visit the nearly 600-acre nature preserve, check in on the live birds of prey, enjoy the native tree arboretum, gardens, picnic area, and natural play space, and hike over five miles of trails dawn until dusk daily for free.

The three-story Nature Center building houses interactive displays, a collection of live animals including the Hellbender exhibit, winners of the 2022 Nature Photography Contest, and the Blue Heron Gift Shop. Visitors are welcome Mondays through Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Sundays, 1 to 4:30 p.m. Nature Center members and SNAP/EBT cardholders have free building admission daily. Building admission is also free every Sunday for non-Nature Center members.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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