
Audubon to host night hike September 28

Area residents could spot creatures like the sleepy barred owl pictured during the Night Hike at Audubon Community Nature Center on Sept. 28.

When parts of nature go to sleep, others are just waking up. The forest comes alive in new ways as darkness falls.

Take an opportunity to explore the dark side of nature on Audubon Community Nature Center’s Night Hike, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 28. Those attending can listen for owls, watch for bats, and look for eyeshine from the nocturnal animals around them. The group will also learn about different adaptations animals have developed to thrive in the dark.

The program will include a brief instruction on night-hike safety as well as what kind of animals can be found. Those attending should be prepared to walk over uneven terrain in the dark as flashlights will be turned off for a portion of the hike to let night vision develop.

The hike will happen rain or shine. The fee is $8 for adults, $6 for Nature Center members and children ages 9-15. The program is not suited for children under the age of 9.

Paid reservations are required by Thursday, Sept. 26, by calling 716-569-2345 during business hours or by going to AudubonCNC.org and clicking through “Programs and Events.”

Audubon Community Nature Center is located at 1600 Riverside Road, one-quarter mile east of Route 62 between Jamestown and Warren. Visit the nearly 600-acre nature preserve, check in on the live birds of prey, vew the native tree arboretum, and hike more than five miles of trails dawn until dusk daily for free.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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