
Chautauqua Chamber Singers to perform this weekend

The Chautauqua Chamber Singers will perform at 4 p.m. Saturday at First Lutheran Church, 109 W. Third Ave., Warren, at 4 p.m. and Sunday at First Presbyterian Church, 509 Prendergast Ave., Jamestown.

Renowned for their rich harmonies and exceptional vocal prowess, the Chautauqua Chamber Singers will be singing the music of Handel, Vivaldi, and focusing on the music of the holiday season, from renaissance to contemporary. The Jamestown concert will be assisted by the JHS madrigals in their final performance of the season. The Warren concert highlights Melissa Beichner as a featured soloist. Mrs. Beichner is currently the music director at Our Lady of Loreto church in Falconer. The Chamber Singers are conducted by Rebecca Ryan and accompanied by Charles Johnson.

Community Music Project of Jamestown invites music enthusiasts and community members alike to join them for an unforgettable evening of musical brilliance. Admission to both concerts is free. A free-will offering will be accepted to support the choir’s continued commitment to musical excellence and community engagement. For more information, visit cmpsings.com.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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