

Christian Women

to meet March 11

RUSSELL – The Jamestown-Warren Christian Women Village Missions Country Partners will meet Tuesday, March 11, at noon at Praise Fellowship Church, Russell. Guest speaker will be Beth Burch of Sugar Grove and music is by the Evertsen family of Warren. There are no dues or membership. Lunch is $7. Call in reservations to Nancy Schuyler at 716-397-3674.

Bridge league

winners announced

Monday evening at the YMCA, Shelley Dahlie and Pat Fincher were first with Dave Benedict and Penny Miller in second. At the Allegheny Community Center on Tuesday, Connie Michell came in first and Adele Crosset was second. Laurie Curren and Donna Holding were first and second Thursday afternoon at the Woman’s Club.

Caregivers Support

Group to meet Thursday

The Caregivers Support Group will meet Thursday at 6 p.m. at the Grace United Methodist Church, 501 PA. Ave. E., Warren. Enter the building via the Pennsylvania Avenue entrance and proceed to the Winger Room. Anyone interested in Alzheimer’s Disease or other dementia-related diseases is welcome, and the meeting is open to the public and all caregivers. Free handouts from the Alzheimer’s Association will be available as well as the lending library with many books regarding the actual care of those with the disease. Time will be allowed for discussion and sharing of concerns or questions from those attending. For more information on the meeting contact Laura at 814-723-5008 or Linda at 814-726-1199.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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