
Pleas entered in Warren County Court

The following pleas were entered in the Court of Common Pleas recently in front of Judge Maureen Skerda:

– Cody J. Baker of Russell pleaded guilty to DUI: highest rate of alcohol (BAC .16% or higher) – second offense, and a traffic citation. A second DUI charge was not prosecuted as was a traffic citation.

– Caleb J. Bean of Tiona pleaded guilty to DUI: highest rate of alcohol (BAC .16% or higher) – second offense and two traffic offenses. A charge of DUI: general impairment – incapable of safe driving – second offense, was not prosecuted. Bean had been charged by Warren-based Pennsylvania State Police on Sept. 4 with two counts of DUI and five traffic offenses from an incident that occurred on Aug. 3 in Mead Twp.

– Brian A. Blood of Warren pleaded guilty to DUI: controlled substances – schedule 2 or 3 – first offense, and a traffic infraction while a second DUI charge and a traffic citation were not prosecuted. Blood was charged by Conewango Township police on June 24 with two counts of DUI and two traffic offenses from an incident that occurred on June 1 in Conewango Township..

– Derek P. Brewer of Warren pleaded guilty to retail theft. He had been charged by Conewango Township police on May 16 with retail theft from an incident that occurred on June 19, 2023, in Conewango Township.

– Raymond L. Champlin of Sheffield pleaded guilty to DUI: controlled substance schedule 2 or 3 – second offense, possession of drug paraphernalia and a traffic citation. Charges of possession of a controlled substance, six counts of possession of drug paraphernalia and three traffic citations were not prosecuted. Champlin was charged after being pulled over April 14 in Conewango Township.

– Joshua A. Clark of Warren pleaded guilty to DUI: general impairment incapable of safe driving – first offense, and a traffic citation. A second citation was not prosecuted.

– Timothy A. Cope Jr. of Warren pleaded guilty to charges of criminal conspiracy (burglary), a class 2 felony; criminal mischief and retail theft as part of three separate dockets. Charges of burglary, a class 1 felony; theft by unlawful taking, criminal conspiracy, criminal trespass, a class 3 felony; and resisting arrest were not prosecuted.

– Stephen W. Eck of Sheffield pleaded guilty to a charge of DUI: highest rate of alcohol (BAC .16% or higher) – second offense and two traffic citations while a charge of DUI: general impairment incapable of safe driving – second offense, and two traffic citations were not prosecuted. On a second docket, Eck pleaded guilty to a charge of DUI: high rate of alcohol (BAC .10-.16%) – third offense and two traffic citations while a charge of DUI: general impairment – incapable of safe driving – second offense and two citations were not prosecuted.

– Joel M. Evinczik of Jamestown, N.Y., pleaded guilty to DUI: highest rate of alcohol (BAC .16% or higher) – second offense and a traffic citation. A charge of DUI: general impairment – incapable of safe driving – second offense and a traffic citation were not prosecuted.

– Kurtis A. Groves of Youngsville pleaded guilty to simple assault, criminal mischief and disorderly conduct to satisfy four separate dockets. Charges of prohibited offensive weapons and resisting arrest were not prosecuted.

– Rebecca L. Grubbs pleaded guilty to DUI: highest rate of alcohol (BAC .16% or higher) – first offense and a traffic citation. A charge of DUI: general impairment – incapable of safe driving – first offense and a traffic citation were not prosecuted.

– Rebecca L. Pacheco of Youngsville pleaded guilty to DUI: high rate of alcohol – second offense and two traffic citations. A charge of DUI: general impairment incapable of safe driving with accident – second offense and a traffic infraction were not prosecuted.

– Kelby K. Saddler of Youngsville pleaded guilty to a charge of possession of a controlled substance and a traffic citation while charges of possession two counts of possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of marijuana and a traffic offense were not prosecuted. In a second docket, Saddler pleaded guilty to DUI: controlled substances – impaired ability – first offense and three traffic offenses. Charges of DUI: controlled substances – schedule 1 – first offense, DUI: controlled substances – schedule 2 or 3 – first offense, possession – small amount of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia as well as four traffic citations were not prosecuted.

– A bench warrant was issued for Shane E. Tuszynski of Warren, who was charged with DUI: controlled substance – combination alcohol and drugs, first offense; DUI: controlled substance – Schedule 1, first offense; DUI – controlled substance, schedule 2 or 3, first offense; DUI: general impairment/incapable of driving safely – first offense; use or possession of drug paraphernalia and period for requiring lighted lamps Oct. 6 by Warren city police officers.

– A bench warrant for failure to appear was issued for Lacie A. Abbey, 39, of Jamestown. Abbey had been charged Feb. 9, 2023, with two counts of retail theft-taking merchandise Feb. 9, 2023. One of the charges, a felony, had previously been withdrawn with the second charge still remaining.

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