

Water quality monitoring

The Warren County Conservation District will hold a water quality monitoring workshop from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, March 24.

The workshop is hosted by the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM) and the Conewango Creek Watershed Association (CCWA).

“Volunteers will be provided with equipment and trained how to monitor streams to document and report potential shale gas impacts,” according to a conservation district release. “Participants will learn:

¯ the science of shale gas and hydraulic fracturing;

¯ how to locate and map well permits and select monitoring sites;

¯ how to monitor streams for reportable pollution events; and

¯ data use and management techniques.”

Funding is provided by the Consortium for Scientific Assistance to Watersheds (C-SAW) and the Colcom Foundation.

There is limited space. Reservations may be made at http://bit.ly/WarrenShale or mcneilln@dickinson.edu or (717) 254-8143.

Further information about the event is available by contacting Liz Dropp at the CCWA at edropp@conewangocreek.org or (814) 726-1441 ext. 1.

Classes to lunch

The Youngsville High School classes of 1964 and 1965 uncheon will be held Tuesday, March 27 at 12:30 p.m. at the American Legion in Youngsville. Spouses and all other classes are welcome.

Join us and catch up. For further information contact Karen Barnett (814) 664-7380.

Sugar Grove Free Library

The Sugar Grove Free Library will host the following events:

Saturday, March 17 at 11 a.m. — A St. Patrick’s Day Story Hour for children, including cute Leprechaun stories read aloud followed by cookies and milk, provided by Pot O Gold Dairy;

Monday, March 19 at 5 p.m. — Family Movie Night — A Disney classic featuring everyone’s favorite blue genie! Pizza and drinks provided;

Tuesday, March 20 at 6:30 p.m. — Garden Talk — This is a casual evening for all those who love to talk about flower and vegetable gardening. Come share ideas, your garden stories of successes and failures. Bring your favorite garden book to show and a snack to share;

Monday, March 26 at 6:30 p.m. — The LitWits book club will meet to discuss this month’s book choice, Atonement, by Ian McEwan.

For more information, call the library at 489-7872 or visit Sugar Grove Free Libraryon Facebook.

Master Gardener Cabin Fever Children’s Program

From 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 17 (snack break from 1:55-2:10 p.m.) will be a Children’s Gardening Workshop including seed starting, a scavenger hunt and more. This event will be presented by Judy Keppel and Brookie LaVigne, both Master Gardeners. Children will learn about where their food comes from. Interactive activities will include seed starting, planting and much more.

For information on registration, call Ruth Valone at (814) 563-9388 at the Penn State Extension Office.

Monday Night Movies

Monday Night Movies at the Warren Public Library will take place at 5:30 p.m. March 19. This event is free of charge and will occur in the Jefferson Room. This week?s PG-13 rated one hour and forty minute selection is the 2017 sequel to the 2015 hit comedy starring Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg as two rival fathers competing for the same children’s love. In this follow-up they’re now friends, and they have to deal with their own fathers visiting for the holidays. Mel Gibson and John Lithgow join the cast as the elder dads, while Linda Cardellini and John Cena reprise their roles from the original movie. Call the library at 723-4650 or go to warrenlibrary.org for the exact title of this and other movies in this series as the library’s movie license does not permit listing the titles outside the library.

Sheffield Rod & Gun Club

Sheffield Rod & Gun Club will hold a Spring Turkey Party and gun raffle on Saturday, April 14. Doors open at 3 p.m.

There will be a Kids’ Fishing Derby on Sunday, May 6, at Tollgate Rd., Sheffield.

A Chicken BBQ will be held from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, May 27.

Bridge results

Results of Monday night duplicate bridge held at Warren YMCA were as follows:

1st-Joann Hultquist and Matt Oram with 24.5;

2nd-Sally Steele and Marge Polito with 23;

3rd-Ellen Ruffolo and Jill Dart with 21.5.

Caregivers’ Support Group meeting

The March meeting of the Caregivers’ Support Group will be held at noon on Monday, March 19, at the Grace United Methodist Church, Wesley Parlor, 501 PA Ave. E., Warren.

The Support Group meetings are open to any caregivers in the area, as well as those interested in learning more about Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, and programs/services offered locally. A time for sharing of concerns and suggestions for topics for future meetings is always included.

The noon group has been quite successful and an evening group on the first Thursday of each month has been formed following the same format. This group meets at 6 p.m. at Grace United Methodist Church as well. The time may change depending on needs of the group to meet work schedules.

An upcoming program, Effective Communication Strategies, will be presented by Jill Curtis, Education and Outreach Coordinator from the Alzheimer’s Association in Erie.

The date is Wednesday, March 21, at 6 p.m. at Warren Higher Ed building. Those attending Monday’s Support Group are asked to enter the church building via the elevator entrance from the church parking lot. Bring a bag lunch and beverage, if desired. For more information about the meetings or new programs, please call Karen at 723-9440 or Linda at 726-1199.

Hill & Dale Garden Club

The Hill and Dale Garden Club will have its first meeting of the 2018 year on Wednesday, March 28, at the Lander United Methodist Church on Rt. 957 in Lander. A luncheon will be served at 12:30 p.m. with the meeting to follow. Our program will be by Lynn Eckman and will be on “Starting Seeds.” Bring your yearly dues of $10.

TCCS fundraiser

It’s time for Tidioute Community Charter School’s annual Clark’s Donut Sales. This is the charter school’s final fundraiser this year for PTO. The money raised will go towards spring fieldtrips.

You have two options:

1. You can order donuts that will be delivered to TCCS on March 27;

2. You can buy a coupon for one dozen donuts and you can pick up your own donuts at one of our Clark’s Donuts stores (Cranberry or Clarion) and pick out whatever donuts you would like to have whenever they want them.

The cost is $9 per dozen. Donuts are sold in units of six per kind and by the dozen only. When using the coupons, your customers can come into one of our stores and choose any amount of each donut to make up their dozen.

All orders and money are due in the school office by March 19.

Call the school office at (814) 484-3550 to place your order.

Warren County Wonders calendar photo winners

Allegheny Center for the Arts would like to announce the winners for ACA/WCCI Warren County Wonders for 2019. For the December calendar page, the winner is “Forest Tapestry” by Mark Evans. Second place goes to Lauren Borger for “Ice Chandelier.” Third place goes to Chris Goff for “Snow Pond.”

For the February calendar page, the winner is “Winter Journey” taken by Lauren Borger. Second place goes to Mark Evans for “Along the Conewango Creek.” And, third place goes to Mark Evans for “Snow Flake.”

Photos will be posted on the Allegheny Centers Website. Photos for November and March can be sent until March 25. Check the Center’s website for photo rules.

ACA has great classes coming up and in progress. Check the Center’s website at www.alleghenycenterforthearts.com.

ACA will have an open house for Kate Kiser. She has recently finished her Doctorate from Penn State. Kate teaches the ACA metal smithing class.

The open house is April 21 from 2-4 p.m. at 444 Pa. Ave. West, on the second floor.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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