
New scholarship announced

CTI and Darling’s Home Care have joined together to create a scholarship in memory of their dear friend and colleague

The Michelle Marion Memorial Scholarship award committee will award (2) $500 scholarships annually to eligible students.

For 2018, applications are accepted until July 13th and recipients will be notified by July 31st.

For 2019 and subsequent years, applications will be accepted until May 18th.

This scholarship was established in memory of a dear friend and colleague Michelle Marion who passed away in early 2018. Michelle held her doctorate in Physical Therapy, going back later in life to receive her advanced degree. She worked in a variety of therapy settings including in-patient, out-patient and home health. Michelle was a firm believer in the value of education. She was a beloved member of the Warren Community both professionally and personally. Every patient that came in contact with Michelle felt respected and well cared for. Her coworkers and friends felt the best way to honor her memory was to establish this scholarship in her name.

Applicant must be in top 25% of graduating class.

Applicants must be accepted into a pre-medical program (with preference to: physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, nursing).

Applicants must be a student in the Warren County School District.

An application can be submitted via the Going Merry website. – https://www.goingmerry.com/browse/michelle-marion-memorial-scholarship/awards/july-2018.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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