
Youngsville Life

Rouse daycare celebrates reading: Children from the Rouse Day Care surprised Youngsville Library Director Kristy Wallace with a GIANT poster that had a Bucket drawn on it. Above the Bucket was a slogan: “Let’s fill our Bucket with Books!” There were also A LOT of sticky notes. Each sticky note represented a title of a book that the Rouse Daycare “Kangaroos” group had read. “This was such a wonderful surprise,” stated Library Director Kristy Wallace, “This year’s Kangaroos are spectacular Library Friends and I always enjoy reading stories to them when they visit. “ Wallace continued, “Everyone is so very proud of these awesome reading-machines. Keep up the great work Kangaroos!”

Beginning Monday, September 23rd there will be a slight change in the hours for the Youngsville Public Library effective at least through the end of the year.

The number of hours that the library will be open each week has not changed, just the days of the week that the library will be open. The “free to the public” WiFi will still remain active and accessible 24/7. Also the YPLibrary drop box will continue to be open 24/7.

Mondays and Wednesdays hours will continue to be 10 am – 6 pm both days. Tuesdays will still be 10 am – 3 pm. However, instead of being open on Fridays (previously from 11 am – 4 pm), YPLibrary will now be open on Thursdays from 10 am – 3 pm. YPL will be closed Friday through Sunday but materials can still be returned via the drop box (located to the right of the front doors). All items in the drop box are back-dated to the previous open business day.

There will also be more Board and Friends of the Library members assisting at the circulation desk, so thank you in advance for your patience as Youngsville Library -and our newly trained volunteers – transitions to slightly different hours and newly learned responsibilities.

(b) Puzzle Exchange: Reminder that Youngsville Library has a FREE “Puzzle Exchange/Puzzle Use” program. Come in during business hours and feel free to take any of the puzzles that are on the table in the foyer. You do not have to bring in a puzzle to take a puzzle. The puzzles are not checked out like “regular” library material, so there is no time frame for returning them (you can also pay them forward).

A Lucky Library Card holder: Harper Sweeney – a proud and very lucky library card holder- is shown holding the $50 Amazon Gift Card that she won during Youngsville Library’s “Get Carded at the Library” promotion. Harper visited the Youngsville Library and made sure that her library card and information was up to date, so she received a FREE raffle ticket chance for one of two $50 gift cards. The other winner was Charles Vanarsdale (no picture available). Congratulations to you both!

If you happen to have any puzzles you would like to donate to this program, please drop them off during regular business hours. We ask that the puzzles are clean, in good shape, not moldy, and that all the pieces are intact.


(1) Drug Take-Back: Save the Date: Saturday, October 26th from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm at the Youngsville Borough Police Department there will be a “DEA TakeBack” opportunity. Participants may dispose of medication in its original container or by removing the medication from its container and disposing of it directly into the disposal box. If an original container is submitted, the individual is encouraged to remove any identifying information from the prescription label. Intravenous solutions, injectables, and syringes WILL NOT be accepted due to potential hazard posed by blood-borne pathogens.

This program is anonymous and all efforts are made to protect the anonymity of individuals disposing of medications. Illicit substances are not a part of this initiative. If you have any questions, please contact the Youngsville Borough PD at 814-563-7555 or the Boro Office at 814-563-4604.


(a) Save the Date: When: Wednesday, September 25th from 6:00- 8:00 pm at the Wilder Museum (51 Erie Avenue, Irvine). Enjoy this special National Forge Open House event as the history of the National Forge is celebrated.

(b) Craft Show: Youngsville VFD is holding a Craft Show on Saturday, November 23re from 10 am – 3 pm. Adult Admission is $3.00, Children 12 and under are free. There will be a Chinese Auction – $5 for a sheet of 25 tickets. Food will be available for purchase in the kitchen. Multiple vendors with a wide-variety of items will be present.

c) YHS Class Luncheon: YHS Class of ’65 has a monthly Luncheon the 4th Thursday of each month The monthly location is at Station 61 at 1:00 pm. The next YHS Class of ’65 luncheon date is Thursday, September 26th. All YHS Alumni and guests/public are welcome to attend.

(d) Rummage/Bake Sale: St. Luke Church (420 N. Main St. Yngs) is having its Annual Fall Rummage and Bake Sale October 3rd – October 5th. Hours are: Thursday, 10/3/24 & Friday, 10/4/24 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm both days and Saturday, 10/5/24 from 9:00 am – Noon. There is a $1.00 per bag deal for Saturday only. This fundraiser is sponsored by the St. Luke Altar/Rosary Society.

(e) Thursday Bingo: Weekly “Bar-Bingo” night is each Thursday at the Youngsville American Legion (10 N. Main St). Bingo starts at 6 pm, Kitchen now opens at 4:30 pm on Thursdays. No smoking allowed at Youngsville American Legion from 5 pm – 9 pm on these weekly Bar-Bingo nights. Bar-bingo is a formal term for this weekly fundraising event and is not intended to imply that bingo participants are required to sit near or at the Legion bar area.

(f) 50 cents sale: The “Restore” (103 East Main St, Yngs) will be holding a “50 cents Day” on Saturday, 09/28/24 from 10 am – 5 pm. The Restore is overflowing with fall and Christmas décor items as well as winter clothing and much, much more. Stop by, browse, and get some great bargains!

(g) Youngsville Alumni Events: Youngsville Alumni will be hosting a fundraiser and event. (a) 09/23/24 – Spirit Night at Youngsville Dairy Queen from 5:00 pm 7:00 pm. A portion of all sales during that time will be donated to the homecoming festivities! And (b) 10/05/24 – Alumni Homecoming Gathering at the Brokenstraw Fish & Game. Doors open at 6 pm. Alumni of all ages are invited to gather for homecoming weekend. The Youngsville Alumni will provide a variety of music, light refreshments and a socializing environment. Bring your favorite drinks and snacks. Weather permitting we will set up an outside cornhole game and a fire.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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