Sugar Grove Life

Bryson Hurley, future EES Knight, stops at The Nutrition Group table during EES Kindergarten registration to learn all about building a good lunch from Assistant Food Service Director, Candy Rieder.
WCSD Schedule
The Warren County school District will be having parent-teacher conferences next week. February 2nd and February 3rd there will be no classes for students. School will resume on Monday, February 6th.
Mitten Tree
If you or someone you know are in need of a winter hat, scarf, or mittens stop by the Sugar Grove mitten tree. The tree is located at the Wilcox Brothers Hardware Store. The tree is sponsored by the Mission Covenant c

hurch and the items are free. There are also some items available in the front area of the Mission Covenant church located on the corner of Routes 27 and 69.
Kindergarten Registration
On Wednesday, January 25th new students who will be entering school starting in the fall of 2017 visited the Eisenhower elementary school. There was transportation information, food service information, vision checks dental checks, and more all provided at the school. If you still need to register for the upcoming school year, please contact the Eisenhower Elementary School at 757-8878 or the WCSD Administration office at 723-6900.
Super Bowl Winners
Do you know how many footballs are used during an official Super Bowl game? Can you guess how many chicken wings will be consumed during a Super Bowl event? These were all questions on The Nutrition Group Cafeteria Super Bowl trivia quiz that was held in each high school this past week. Congratulations to Kyle Coons and Megan Downs our Eisenhower High School winners. Each one received a large football bowl with prices and snacks to get ready for the big game. Congratulations.