Government directory now available
Photo submitted to Times Observer Bob Sokolski receives a copy of the new 2021 Government Directory from League of Women Voters of Warren County President Susan Swab. The free leaflet is made available thanks to the Sally Sokolski Memorial Fund of the Community Foundation of Warren County. Missing is Sally Eaton who produced and edited the directory.
Finding and getting in touch with a legislator, other elected official, or government agency just got easier.
The League of Women Voters of Warren County 2021 Government Directory is now available throughout the county.
“This is a free community service of the local league and funded by the The Sally Sokolski Memorial Fund of the Community Foundation of Warren County,” according to Phyllis Wright. “It is produced every other year and provides contact information for easy access to officials.”
The 2021 director recognizes the 101st anniversary of the passing of the 19th Amendment ensuring women’s right to vote and the same anniversary of the founding of the National League of Women Voters.
“The large four-folded leaflet includes various ways to contact federal government and Pennsylvania government officials, plus Warren County officials,” Wright said. “Examples are Warren — Forest Court of Common pleas, courthouse staff, magisterial district judges, school district directors, and municipal officials.”
The names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and term expiration for officials in the city, five boroughs and 21 townships are included.
It also includes information on how to register to vote.
“Over 3,000 copies are available at local libraries, banks, and business,” she said. The directory is also available online at