
Students share meal with police chief, captain

Times Observer photo City of Warren Police Capt. Jeff Dougherty takes a selfie Tuesday of the Lunch with the police group from Beaty-Warren Middle School — from left Chief Joe Sproveri, raffle-winner Jackson Aipoalani, Hunter Cummings, Wyatt Bjorkquist, and Dougherty.

Jackson Aipoalani had some points built up and he knew what he wanted to put them toward.

On Tuesday, Beaty-Warren Middle School students Aipoalani, Hunter Cummings, and Wyatt Bjorkquist had Lunch with the police at Arby’s.

“I really wanted to ask the chief some questions,” Aipoalani said.

He had plenty of opportunity.

City of Warren Police Chief Joe Sproveri and Capt. Jeff Dougherty picked the boys up at school and took them in an unmarked cruiser to lunch.

Times Observer photo by Brian Ferry The Beaty-Warren Middle School Lunch with the police group (from left) raffle-winner Jackson Aipoalani, Wyatt Bjorkquist, Hunter Cummings, City of Warren Police Capt. Jeff Dougherty, and Chief Joe Sproveri talk Tuesday while waiting for their meals at Arby’s.

“Arby’s is one of my favorite places,” Aipoalani said.

The event was part of the school’s Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, according to Principal Shannon Yeager.

“We offer monthly raffles,” Yeager said. “Jackson won and decided to take two of his friends with him.”

Lunch with the police was the raffle Jackson wanted. Other months offer other rewards including a giant candy bar, an Among Us blanket, tickets to school dances, and the right be pull the school’s fire alarm for a drill.

Aipoalani used up some points to get into the raffle, which is handled online through Teams.

The cards are shuffled and the winning entry shows up on the screen. “I was really excited,” he said.

“It’s good for them to see that good decisions and good behaviors are rewarded,” Sproveri said.

The students are the only ones who benefit.

“It’s good for the young kids to see the more human side of the officers,” Sproveri said. “It’s good public relations.”

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