
Scholarship honors memory of Caleb Hultman

Caleb Hultman

Caleb Hultman would give you the shoes off his feet.

The Caleb Hultman Memorial Scholarship was created to honor the memory of Hultman — who died in 2020 at the age of 25. It was inspired by his generosity and his love of running.

According to a release from his parents, Pam and Steve Hultman, Caleb once gave a fellow track athlete his shoes and went and bought himself another pair so that teammate could compete.

The scholarships are awarded to Warren area seniors on the track and field or cross country teams who are moving on to higher education.

The first two $500 scholarships were awarded in May to Warren Area High School seniors Katie Beyer and Graham Carr.

Essays written for the scholarships were judged without the judges knowing who wrote them and selected on criteria reflecting Hultman’s determination, dedication, generosity of time and heart, and passion for running.

“The committee’s goal is to be able to increase the scholarship amount in the future,” according to the Hultmans.

Scholarship dollars are also available to help students cover the pay-to-participate fee or for new track shoes. Those who are having difficulty with those expenses may contact their coaches who will contact the scholarship committee.

Two memorial events were created in 2020 in order the help fund the scholarships.

The third annual Caleb Hultman Memorial Softball Tournament will be held Saturday, Sept. 10 (co-ed), and Sunday, Sept. 11 (men), at Betts Park. The team entry fee is $200. The event features a home-run derby each day with 10 swings for $10. Teams may register by calling Robby Thomas at (814) 730-9155 or Marlee Thomas at (814) 730-1534. Anyone interesting in volunteering as an umpire for the event is also encouraged to call.

The third annual Caleb Hultman Memorial Cornhole Tournament will be held Saturday, Sept. 17, at Pellegrino’s Creekside Pavilion. Registration is on-site from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and play will begin at the close of registration. There will be live music at the event and food and drink will be available. Information about the tournament is available by calling Jeff Stoddard at (814) 688-7646.

Proceeds from both events benefit the Caleb Hultman Memorial Scholarship. Contributions may be made directly to Caleb Hultman Memorial Scholarship Fund, C/O Stephen Hultman, 47 Arlington Drive, Warren.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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