
Work begins on Crescent Park railroad crossing

Times Observer photo by Brian Ferry A crew working for Buffalo and Pittsburgh Railroad removes pavement from along the railroad tracks at Crescent Park and Route 62 Monday in northern Pleasant Township.

The weather didn’t stop the work at the railroad tracks on Crescent Park just north of Route 6.

On Monday, a crew was removing the pavement along and between the tracks in the rain.

Because of the tracks, the pavement couldn’t simply be milled off. It had to be broken up and taken out in chunks.

According to a Buffalo and Pittsburgh Railroad representative, trains were expected to be able to pass Monday night.

Weather permitting, he expected the blacktop work to take place on Wednesday and the work to be complete by Thursday.

Times Observer photo by Brian Ferry A crew working for Buffalo and Pittsburgh Railroad removes pavement from along the railroad tracks at Crescent Park and Route 62 Monday in northern Pleasant Township.

A detour using routes 6 and 62 and Main Avenue is in place.

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