Fox to serve on association finance committee

Photo submitted to Times Observer Conewango Township Secretary-Treasurer Jennifer Fox was recently appointed to serve on the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors Finance Committee.
Conewango Township’s secretary-treasurer will be serving on the finance committee of the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors.
Jennifer Fox was appointed to fill an open position this month.
“The Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) represents Pennsylvania’s 1,454 townships of the second class and is committed to preserving and strengthening township government and securing greater visibility and involvement for townships in the state and federal political arenas,” Fox said. “The Finance Committee reviews the Association’s operations and recommends its annual budget.”
Fox threw her hat in the ring before there was a ring.
“This past April, while I was attending the PSATS annual conference, I had expressed my interest in serving on a standing committee,” she said. “Everyone who attends the annual conference has the ability to express their own interests in a variety of volunteer opportunities within the PSATS organization.”
“I have served in other volunteer positions for PSATS over the years and each opportunity has been a unique and positive experience,” Fox said.
“Mr. Dave Sanko, Executive Director for PSATS had phoned me in September to make me aware of the vacancy and asked if I would be interested in serving to fulfill the term left open in the finance standing committee,” Fox said. “Of course, I discussed it with my Board of Supervisors who were in support of the opportunity presented to me.”
“I am very honored and will absolutely best represent Conewango Township during my term,” she said.
The opportunity is a good one for Fox and for the township.
“There is great merit overall when you volunteer for PSATS — or any organization — not only for yourself but for your employer and the communities you serve,” she said. “The benefits one can gain by volunteering are numerous. I am grateful that I will be able to demonstrate and develop my leadership, be able to acquire new knowledge and skills, to expand my networks and build even more lasting relationships.”
The association represents nearly half of the population of the state.
“Townships of the second class represent more residents — 5.4 million Pennsylvanians — than any other type of political subdivision in the commonwealth,” Fox said.