
Education post at Chapman is dream job for Emily Hunt

Times Observer photo by Brian Ferry Chapman State Park Environmental Education Specialist Emily Hunt started in December and is settling into her dream job.

There’s a new face in the Environmental Learning Center at Chapman State Park.

Environmental Education Specialist Emily Hunt joined Chapman in December.

She replaces EES Jen Moore.

Hunt comes to Warren County by way of Genesee, Potter County. She earned an associate’s degree in wildlife technology from Penn State DuBois and a bachelor’s degree in recreation, parks, and tourism management from Penn State. She focused on environmental education and interpretation.

Her work experience features several Pennsylvania parks and environmental center – an internship at Cherry Springs State Park, Pocono Environmental Education Center, and Shaver Creek Environmental Center.

She described the environmental educator position as her “dream job” and getting it at Chapman as “a great park to have the dream job. It’s an environmental educator’s paradise.”

The position is a seasonal one and Hunt will work from December through August. “I’m going to be the one doing environmental education programs, outdoor recreation programming, and field trips,” she said. “I’m also a good person to contact about volunteering – from programming to trail maintenance.”

“I look forward to my first season here at Chapman – getting to know new people and connecting with people through environmental education,” Hunt said.

The park can be reached by calling (814) 723-0250. The Environmental Learning Center can be reached at (814) 723-0259.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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