Commission talks center of roundabout
Discussion about the roundabout at the intersection of Market Street and Pennsylvania Avenue can creep up in some interesting places.
On Tuesday that included discussion at the city’s Parks, Recreation, Landscape Commission meeting. The commission was interested in what goes in the middle once the project is completed.
The middle is “a lot smaller than I thought it was going to be,” Commission chair Josie Gerardi said. “(It) looks quite nice.”
Several ideas were proposed — perennials, ground cover, riprap or a boulder. If plants are the answer, Gerardi proposed ground cover as it would come with less needed maintenance.
Department of Public Works Superintendent Joe Reinke said he spoke with the project manager and said “(I) don’t think height is an issue. Visually, looking across, it doesn’t matter what you see on the other side.”
City manager Mike Holtz said there’s a progress meeting with PennDOT and these questions and options would be presented there.
Reinke also updated the commission on some work completed along Pennsylvania Ave. W.
He said that sumac removal and boom mowing work was done between Hickory Street and Beech Street.
“(We) kind of opened that up,” he said, but acknowledged there’s more rivers-edge work to do.
Gerardi told the commission that a plea for maintenance help generated six responses. She said a couple of groups have agreed to two-week windows where they will help maintain the garden.
“I was really happy with the response,” she said.