
ANF seeks comment on plan to deal with invasive species

Times Observer photo by Jacob Perryman Lonicera Maackii, or amur honeysuckle, is just one type of non-native, invasive honeysuckle shrub common in the region.

The Allegheny National Forest is seeking comment on plans to combat invasive plant species.

The forest service has conducted an environmental assessment, available online at www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=62459, outlining more than 100 non-native, invasive species either identified as problematic or on the forest’s early detection list.

“Invasive species are among the most significant environmental and economic threats facing our nation’s forest, grassland, and aquatic systems.” according to a U.S.Forest Service release. “Without an active treatment program, the aggressive expansion of invasive plants will limit many land uses and values now and in the future.”

The Forest Service’s proposed assessment proposes mitigating the spread of invasive species through a three-prong approach including, “reducing invasive plant infestations and improving (the) ability to reduce the spread of invasive plants across ownership boundaries; reducing interfering vegetation to improve the regeneration of desirable tree species; (and) amending the 2007 Allegheny National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan to provide clarification, additional direction, and allow certain treatments to occur in additional areas”

The assessment proposes treatment for invasive species in more areas over a larger portion of the forest. On average, according to the assessment, 544 acres are treated each year while 100,000 acres are identified as hosting invasive species.

Additionally, due to the forest service’s cycle of treatment of managed areas being updated on an approximately ten-year plan cycle, the assessment recommends putting a system in place to reduce the time between when an invasive species is identified and when treatment of an area begins.

The assessment also recommends working with landowners adjacent to the forest to form agreements for treatment to prevent invasive species spread across property boundaries.

The proposals in the assessment would require a number of amendments to wording in the ANF Forest Plan. A complete list of proposed amendments are provided in Appendix B of the assessment document accessible online.

Comments may be submitted online at cara.fs2c.usda.gov/Public//CommentInput?Project=62459.

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