Selling shirts to support Warren native in cancer battle
Baby Lilyth was welcomed into the family on March 14.
The excitement of a new start and the new baby was soon dulled when Jamison learned he had non-seminoma testicular cancer in May, experiencing many trials since being diagnosed. He had a tumor removed on May 14, which has since returned. His port was put in on July 8, and he will begin his chemotherapy treatments in Dubois at the Hahne Cancer Center.
Cutting Edge Graffix in Pittsfield has agreed to help by creating shirts. $10 from each sale of a T-shirt or hoodie purchased will help the young family with medical and travel expenses.
Shirts can be ordered until August 17 and will be available for pickup or drop off on August 26.
To place an order, please contact Bryanna Hesslink at 814-329-8785 or