
WCCD accepting applications for scholarships in conservation and agriculture

The Warren County Conservation District will accept Ralph G. Eckert, Warren County Council of Sportsmen’s Clubs, and Heather Wilcox Scholarship applications until March 3 by 4 p.m.

The Ralph G. Eckert Scholarship is awarded annually by the Warren County Conservation District to a deserving county student planning to continue their education in a conservation-related field or service.

This scholarship is named for Ralph Eckert, who served in the Soil Conservation Service in Warren County from 1950-1966. A Penn State graduate in Forestry, Mr. Eckert devoted his entire life to conservation issues. He was a frequent lecturer and instructor of youth on proper stewardship of our natural resources. He was also active in the newspaper and movement, writing columns for the local newspaper, and contributing articles to outdoor magazines.

Additionally, Mr. Eckert was instrumental in planning and developing the Outdoor Ecology Lab at Eisenhower High School. The Conservation District is proud to offer this scholarship in his name to promote the love of the outdoors and the conservation of natural resources through education.

The Warren County Council of Sportsmen’s Clubs has entrusted the Warren County Conservation District with the responsibility of awarding their scholarships. This opportunity is available to high school seniors residing in Warren County who wish to enter college to pursue an environmental degree.

The Heather Wilcox Scholarship is awarded annually through the Warren County Conservation District for deserving students planning to continue their education in an agricultural-related field or service.

This scholarship is named for Heather Wilcox, who served as the Warren County Conservation District Manager for many years. A Penn State graduate in Animal Science, Wilcox devoted her entire life to agricultural and conservation issues. She worked with local farmers to implement best management practices and educated countless children, teens, and adults about the importance of agriculture and the environment.

Wilcox did all this with a sense of humor, a strong work ethic, integrity, and respect. She was also active in the Warren County 4-H dairy cow and horse programs for many years. The Conservation District is proud to offer this scholarship in her name to promote agricultural education in our county’s youth.

For additional information or an application package, please get in touch with the Warren County Conservation District office at 814-726-1441 or www.wcconservation.net. Students can also inquire about the scholarships at their high school’s guidance office.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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