Wortman announces bid for reelection

David Wortman
Mayor David Wortman is running for reelection as Warren mayor.
The city hasn’t raised taxes over the past three years, Wortman said in a news release, while the city has worked to implement EMS agreements with nine neighboring municipalities to allow the city to recoup its costs to provide EMS services to the surrounding area. Over the last three years the city has negotiated labor contracts with the police, fire and public works unions.
Wortman also touted city parks investment and upgrades with many of the projects being done with partnerships and funding from state grants, local philanthropic foundations and service clubs. Pickleball courts were built at Betts Park, the Crescent Park and the Memorial Walk project were dedicated and a state of the art adaptive playground was built at Lacy Playground. Plans are in the works for the renovation of Mulberry and Point Park playgrounds while a new project at Lacy Park is to begin this spring.
Wortman said he has championed the Riverfront Development Project to improve access to the Allegheny River and has worked to form and invest in Warren Worx. Wortman said the loss of population and opportunity over the past few decades is a key issue facing the city. The cComprehensive Plan was finalized during his first term which has laid out a revitalization road map, which the city is working to implement.
Wortman was born and raised in Warren and is a graduate of Warren Area High School. He was a Distinguished Military Graduate from the University of Pittsburgh and commissioned as an officer in the United States Army. He served for nine years in the active force with the 101st Airborne Division during Operation Desert Storm and later with the Special Forces Regiment.
He and his wife Jennifer (Shea) Wortman moved back to Warren in 1998 to raise their family. Wortman began work in the oil industry as a project manager and continued his military career as a National Guardsman. He completed his MBA from Penn State in 2002 and has continued to progress in his civilian career, currently working as a senior executive in the oil and gas industry.
Wortman retired from the National Guard as a Special Forces Colonel with more than 30 years of service. Throughout these years he was deployed multiple times in critical leadership and command positions in support of National security objectives in the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe including tours in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom – Trans Sahel and Horn of Africa.
Wortman has been active coaching youth football, baseball and softball and as a Faith Formation teacher and lecturer at St. Joseph Parish.