

House passes Rapp’s rural health care worker bill

Local News

Student loan repayment for healthcare workers willing to take up positions in rural communities is one step closer after clearing Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives. House Bill 157 would give up to $250,000 in individual grants to rural medical institutions. Those institutions would ...

National Surveyors Week: Andrew Ellicott and the City of Warren


As National Surveyors Week ends, Joe McGraw, a local surveyor and president of the Northwest Chapter of the PA Society of Land Surveyors, is calling attention to Andrew Ellicott. Many influential American figures, including George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Thomas Jefferson, began ...

A spotlight on Skunk Cabbage


It’s finally beginning to feel like spring is around the corner at Audubon Community Nature Center. Plants are beginning to sprout, animals are waking from hibernation, and birds have begun to migrate north again. Red-winged Blackbirds especially have returned in droves to ACNC and you can ...

Church thanks community for support renovating historic organ

Local News

The 1927 Austin Pipe Organ at First Methodist Church is ready, once again, to make beautiful music. The Mark Fischer Organ Company of Erie, PA, led the $300,000 project, modernizing the three-manual organ, which includes approximately 3,000 pipes, an Antiphonal Organ, Echo Organ, and Trumpet ...

Council OKs drilling permit for land near Days Inn, Betts Park

Local News

No-surface drilling under Betts Park will proceed — but the City Council isn’t unanimously behind it. The stage for this week’s City Council discussion was set during a special council meeting in February when the council approved an agreement to settle a lawsuit by John Branch, who ...

Proposal would let state prosecutors work local cases

Local News

A state lawmaker thinks it’s time for the state Attorney General’s office to use some of its prosecutorial power on local cases. Rep. Sheryl Delozier, R-Camp Hill, is circulating a co-sponsorship memorandum for legislation that would create a unit of prosecutors within the state Attorney ...