

Readers Speak

Letters To Editor

Holiday spirit Dear Editor, Last November, families, churches, individuals and groups in Warren County donated gift-filled shoeboxes to Operation Christmas Child, a project of international Christian relief and evangelism organization Samaritan’s Purse. These simple gifts, messages of ...

Many still wonder why Youngsville, not Eisenhower

Local Commentaries

One has to wonder what is the driving force behind the Warren County School District wanting to close a school and shift other students. Well, like many things in life, the answer to this is money. The district has made the claim that it is in a bad financial situation. How did the district ...

Time is right to rebrand Warren Area High School

Local Commentaries

By ROBERT JEPSON I wrote this letter to every school board member and superintendent. I received a generic kick rocks letter back from Mr. Paul Mangione. It’s a “we don’t honestly care about the public opinion” letter. Voices deserve to be heard. I am inquiring about when the ...

Other voices: Trump could learn from Washington

Our Opinion

Though rarely honored these days exactly on Feb. 22, his actual birth date, “Presidents Day” is officially still Washington’s birthday. And that’s entirely right and proper, as every American should happily honor our first chief executive. Washington was a man for the ages. Born a ...

View from Hickory Heights: Buyer beware!

Local Commentaries

Today I share a personal experience with you. We were trying to refinish my kitchen floor. It was done about ten years ago, but needed a new coat of finish. My son came up one Wednesday and gave it a light sanding. He planned to apply a coat of finish on Saturday. We knew what we were doing ...

Our opinion: Disappointing DCNR audit

Our Opinion

Given the importance Warren County places on the outdoors, a recent audit by Timothy DeFoor, state auditor general, is pretty disappointing. DeFoor performed an audit of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources that showed the agency did not award all Community Conservation ...