
Readers Speak

Hate here at home

Dear Editor,

Hate is a strong feeling of extreme dislike or loathing of persons, things or actions.

Children have to be taught to hate! Hamas children are born into hate and experience it from the cradle to the grave as each generation perpetuates their hatred of the Jews, the U.S., and a host of other entities.

Hate has been secretly injected into our children by schools, colleges, and social media. For example, there’s the 20-year-old who attempted the assassination of former President Donald Trump.

There are countless young adults who continue to demonstrate on campuses in the name of Hamas and the people of Gaza. Those demonstrations quickly turned into riots by unlawfully occupying and destroying property.

These impressionable “kids” want to please their corrupt professors by desecrating national monuments as well. The DC riot included burning Our Flag that did not belong to them. Both of those actions are crimes and would give these “Kids” criminal records that will follow them for life.

A person is never too old to be infected by hate. The infection consumes their whole being. It turns normally responsible, good people into someone that even their mother would not recognize. If after you heard about the attempt on Trump’s life, you secretly thought, “Too bad the shooter missed,” you are one of those adults. Get help!

Due to the attempted assassination of Trump, all entities vowed to turn down their rhetoric. That lasted about 10 minutes. Liberal opinion shows began suggesting that maybe it was glass from a shattered teleprompter that cut Trump’s ear instead of a bullet. That opinion continued even after a doctor told them otherwise and a photo showed the bullet in flight.

Other opinion anchors insisted Trump planned the attack on himself. Really? Would the former president trust the aim of a 20-year-old “Kid” who was labeled as unqualified for the School Shooting Team to purposely miss his mark?

Why do the DCcrats and the TV shows that masquerade as news shows Fan the Flames of Hate? Their motive is either Money, Power or both.

So how do we fix this? First, each of us has to stay informed. You can’t trust the media so “fact check” questionable statements made by officials and fellow citizens. Then “Demand” “Transparency” and “Honesty” from everyone. It is in that vein that I am responding to the letter that was in the Times Observer last month.

Project 2025 was created by the Heritage Foundation which is a “think tank” type organization intended to brainstorm ideas for solving problems. Project 2025 is not endorsed by or used by the Republican Party in any way. To prove my point, I am including an exact copy from the 2024 Republican Party’s 20 plank platform. It is Official and Unaltered.

— Seal the border and stop the migrant invasion.

— Carry out the largest deportation in American history.

— End Inflation and Make America Affordable Again.

— Make America the Dominant Energy Producer in the World by Far.

— Stop Outsourcing and Turn the United States into a Manufacturing Superpower.

— Large Tax Cuts for Workers, and No Tax on Tips!

— Defend Our Constitution, Our Bill of Rights, and Our Fundamental Freedoms, including Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

— Prevent World War III, Restore Peace in Europe and in the Middle East, and Build a Great Iron Dome Missile Defense Shield Over Our Entire Country–All Made In America.

— End the Weaponization of Government Against the American People. (10.) Stop the Migrant Crime Epidemic, Demolish the Foreign Drug Cartels, Crush Gang Violence, and Lock Up Violent Offenders.

— Rebuild Our Cities, including Washington DC, making Them Safe, Clean, and Beautiful Again.

— Strengthen and Modernize Our Military, Making It Without Question, the Strongest and Most Powerful in the World.

— Keep the U.S. Dollar as the World’s Reserve Currency.

— Fight for and Protect Social Security and Medicare with NO Cuts, including No Changes to the Retirement Age.

— Cancel the Electric Vehicle Mandate and Cut Costly and Burdensome Regulations. — Cut Federal Funding for any School Pushing Critical Race Theory, Radical Gender Ideology, and other Inappropriate Racial, Sexual, or Political Content on Our Children. — Keep Men Out of Women’s Sports.

— Deport Pro-Hamas Radicals and Make Our College Campuses Safe and Patriotic Again.

— Secure Our Elections, including Same Day Voting, Voter Identification, Paper Ballots, and Proof of Citizenship.

— Unite Our Country by Bringing It to New and Record Levels of Success. Today and Together with Love for Our Country, Faith in Our People, and Trust in God’s Good Grace, We Will Make America Great Again!

Joanne Oviatt,


Taken for a ride

Dear Editor,

I was wondering if all voters in this nation know that Republicans and Democrats are paying for your vice president to fly all over this great country on your dime.

I thought the airplanes were for government business, not a campaign taxi for Harris and a taxi to get Hunter Biden to his next court hearing now that dad stepped down. He won’t be flying for free any more. We buy the fuel and pay for the crews.

Harris brags about all the money she raised, how about what she is stealing from us every day.

Mike Kittner,


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