
Readers Speak

Turning the tide

Dear Editor,

The old band is back together along with some great new faces! Us true Americans can hopefully and finally have our country back! This current administration has more than failed the American people with very high inflation, allowing the ongoing invasion at our borders, soft on crime policies, defunding of our police departments, sky rocketing fuel prices, not standing up to the bullies and dictators of the world, just to name a very few of their very horrible policies and practices all of which making us a laughing stock by all!

This country would not have survived another four years of the same crap. It is an absolute wonder how we made it this far. Thank God that better days are ahead in the very new future. Nobody is perfect and everyone has their flaws. However, the incoming president has proven to the American people that he will secure the border, lower inflation and fuel prices, stand up to the dictators and bullies, fund our law enforcement, continue to rebuild our military, attempt to get us off the verge of World War III, and so on.

He did it once before and there is no reason he won’t do it again. These are facts and everyone knows it, at least the ones that are open to common sense thinking and not hiding behind their jealousy and hate of a business man that accomplished what democrat politicians could not achieve! Donald Trump has done more for this country since his reelection than Joe Biden has done thus far! It just amazes me that people actually thought that Kamala Harris was going to do anything different or better!

Respecting everyone’s beliefs whether you agree or disagree is a great practice. However when we are allowing the school systems to feed our children only one side of political practices in our schools is dead wrong! And we the people have failed.

Whitney Houston once sang, “I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way.” I honestly believe that statement, and the disbanding of the department of education is a must and a huge cost saver.

The incoming president must achieve this task! We need to unhandcuff our teachers and let them teach, we need them to teach our children how to think, not what to think then in turn the children can grow and make their own decisions without persuasion as to what, how and who they want to politically support. If this happens, I truly see a better prosperous safe future for all for many years.

Brian R Fajbik,


No limits

Dear Editor,

There’s a phrase that’s often thrown around, but it’s one I don’t believe in. I’ve lived under that umbrella my entire life, and I know firsthand that it’s our abilities that truly matter, not the aids that assist us. Each of us has a unique gift, a talent that no one else possesses.

Consider the man with autism who can stand on a rooftop and paint what he sees with incredible detail, or the young man on TikTok with a disability who can draw anything you ask. These individuals show that our abilities, not our limitations, define us.

Can you spend an entire night in the dark reading a braille book? I can! It’s a testament to the incredible capabilities we all have.

Your message celebrates the unique strengths and talents of every individual, and it’s a powerful reminder of the potential within us all.

Roger Sullivan,


Banning books

Dear Editor,

The Handmaid’s Tale. Women are treated as property of the state. It includes an LGBTQ character, the discussion of feminism, religious extremism, and sexuality. Profanity. Anti-Christian views. Banned in Texas. Florida. Oregon.

The Color Purple. It’s been called a filthy, filthy book. It’s been called vulgar. Immoral. The book includes depictions of sexual violence, a same-sex encounter, and sexually explicit language. Some say the book contains racial slurs and portrays Black men in a brutal way. Some say the book is anti-Christian. The book includes descriptions of drug abuse and torture. Banned in parts of many states: Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia.

If they are banned, what should we do with this next book?

Sexual content. There is an attempted homosexual rape of a man by a crowd of rowdy men. He instead sends out a woman he has used for sex to satisfy them. They rape her to death. Then she is cut into 12 pieces.

Violence. A woman tossed out of a window and trampled by horses. Her bones are picked clean. She is reduced to a pile of crushed bones. In other chapters heads are lopped off and toted around as trophies.

Death. An estimated 2.2 million people are killed in the first division of this book. Many based on ethnicity.

Should this book be banned? Should children be exposed to this book? Should a school library include this book? A public library?

Here’s the thing. This book is often given to babies even at their birth. Copies are given to infants, toddlers, elementary school age right through adulthood. And most often the givers are the very people who lead the fight to ban other books.

This book is the Bible.

Stories referenced are found in Judges, 2 Kings, and 1 Samuel. Someone added up and estimated 2.2 million people were slain in the Old Testament. The New Testament centers around a crucifixion. The horrific sacrifice of Jesus.

Is it hypocrisy (again) if we don’t ban this book, too?

Personally, I find the Bible a useful book. I try my best to learn from it and base my life on it. I do not think it should be banned.

Then again, perhaps there would be more interest in it if it was.

James Spangler, OD


Common U.S. goal

Dear Editor,

Joe Biden, the “adult” in the room, has been an ineffective leader of this country. With all his experience the only thing he has consistently shown is he likes power and prestige and weekending in Delaware. Many have seen the decline for years, but his diminished faculties were hidden and lied about to the country. What does this say about a party and media that would push this narrative on a country?

We were depending on a leader who was expected to fulfill the position of president, and they knew he couldn’t deliver. Through all of this, we wonder who really has been supervising the government; to think he wanted to run again is ludicrous!! Biden’s legacy is anybody’s guess considering the harm that he has imposed on the people of this country in four years.

As we watch his final days as POTUS we see more clearly, with the decisions he has made, how inept and vindictive he really is. We should be thankful that this administration will soon be history; his departure from government can’t come soon enough.

Cal Thomas of Creators Syndicate recently wrote, “The second Trump administration will have a lot of cleaning up to do. If their proposed policies are shown to work, look for public approval to remain high as they and a GOP congressional majority seek to reverse the damage caused by the Biden administration.”

At one time I was concerned about John Fetterman becoming one of the state’s U.S. senators; my thoughts have changed. He is a Democrat that is willing to listen, think, and work for the betterment of the people of this country. That is more than many of his Democrat colleagues can say, considering the meltdown they had with the election of Donald Trump in November.

A positive move for us as a nation would be going forward with everyone working toward a common goal. Trump’s “America First” agenda would benefit each of us; at least we’d be heading in the same direction.

Norma Bankoske,


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