Readers Speak
Being the hope
Dear Editor,
Help can’t wait when disaster strikes. Whether a family needs shelter, food or a sympathetic ear, generous donations to the American Red Cross help ensure they never face a crisis alone.
The need for this support is constant. In 2024, local Red Cross volunteers responded to 52 home fires in Northwestern PA and assisted more than 150 people who were affected.
Your donation can provide relief and care, such as:
– $5 for a blanket to wrap around a person’s shoulders.
– $11 for a nutritious meal, snack and drink.
-$24 for comfort kits, each with supplies like a toothbrush, comb and shampoo, for two families of four.
No gift is too small — and we can do so much when we come together. Join our community movement by donating today at Your gift will be part of our annual Giving Day on March 26, which aims to rally 30,000 individuals to help people affected by disasters big and small.
Mary Rogers
executive director,
American Red Cross Northwestern Pennsylvania Chapter
Hot-button topic
Dear Editor,
Here is some history of the Southern Baptists on the issue of abortion.
A 1970 poll of Southern Baptist ministers revealed 70% of them supported a woman’s right to an abortion to protect the mental and physical health of the mother, 64% for the cases of fetal abnormality, and 71% in cases of rape (Baptist Press 1/16/2017).
In 1971 the SBC passed a resolution allowing the possibility of abortion under such conditions of rape, incest, clear evidence of severe fetal abnormality, or clear evidence or likelihood of damage to the emotional, physical, or mental health of the mother.
The SBC reaffirmed this resolution twice — in 1974 and 1976. SBC President W.A. Criswell stated his belief that “only after a baby had separated from its mother did it become an individual person.” Even Pat Robertson at the time found abortion a theological matter and warranted no public discussion or policy consideration.
It was not until the 1980s that author Randall Balmer and Heritage Foundation “moral majority” founder Paul Weyrich needed a mobilizing issue. They chose abortion.
In the 1990’s Weyrich, Ralph Reed, Richard Land, et. al., elevated abortion to its present level of concern as the master strategy to dominate the social and political terrain of the United States. The once quietly accepted terms of Roe v. Wade was transformed into the contentious issue it is today.
Abortion is now “murder.” Doctors are now “killers.” The abortion wave is a “holocaust.” And abortion is now “infanticide.”
Says President Trump: “The baby is born, the mother meets with the doctor, they take care of the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully. Then they decide whether to kill the baby.”
No one kills a “born baby.” The future of a deformed baby with little to no chance of survival, with no survival without perpetual 24 hour medical intervention, with no chance of quality of life, likely in excruciating pain, is discussed by the parents and the doctors. A decision is made, not to kill the baby, but to withhold life continuing care.
The distortion of this terrible situation is appalling. These children’s lives are literally the definition of hell. Visit a facility that cares for these persons. It will shake your faith in God and humanity that this can exist.
Your exploitation of these children of God does nothing for them. They are simply pawns in your agenda. Let God be the judge.
James Spangler, OD,
Spring in step
Dear Editor,
The poem I’ve written, “Spring is a Many Splendored Thing,” reflects this shift in our spirit, as the world around us begins to thaw, and we anticipate the warmth and beauty that spring brings. I believe this poem encapsulates what many of us are feeling as we embrace the promise of new beginnings.
“Spring is a Many Splendored Thing”
When Spring finally came in
Winter finally went home
and it was a pleasant surprise.
All those piles of snow
looked like little snow cones
right before our very eyes.
The Sun it got bright,
and the robins came back,
And a flower peaked
up through the mud.
And I thought about life,
and I thought about hope,
And I thought about
all the above.
The neighbors went back
to helping themselves,
and the coats all went
back with the hats.
And I tried to find
that old flame of mine,
But I didn’t know
where she was at.
And the buds, any day,
will break out and bloom
And the circle
of life will begin.
And I will walk out
in that fresh air of Spring,
From the very
same door I walked in.
David Devine,
Trying times
Dear Editor,
So, America is now being led by two narcissistic sociopaths (one who is the unelected richest man in the world) driven by their massive egos and their insatiable hunger for wealth and power, with no concern for the consequences and suffering inflicted on others by their actions. Of course, this is not really surprising, as such individuals are essentially incapable of empathy and compassion, and see themselves as far above the laws and basic human norms which the rest of us live by.
And so they are now recklessly (and with manic gusto) gutting our democracy, taking a sledgehammer to all checks and balances on their power, and hollowing out our government’s ability to provide the many services we everyday Americans take for granted, while shamelessly twisting and forcefully bending things to their will in order to enrich themselves and expand their own power as they strive to transform our democracy into a blatantly corrupt autocratic oligarchy wherein the rich wield power with an iron hand.
They are firing our civil servants, dismantling agencies, and cutting funding for services which countless Americans depend on, while at the same time moving to implement massive tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals and corporations.
Among so many other things, veterans’ services, health care (including Medicaid and Medicare, despite claims that these “would not be touched”), nutritional supports, pediatric cancer research, postal services, educational programs, and Social Security (another thing which “would not be touched”) are in their sights. And prices continue to go up across the board, now fueled by the needless imposition of tariffs and the consequent start of trade wars with our neighbors and once friends and allies – some of whom we are bullying and even threatening to take over one way or another.
In addition, we are suddenly switching sides and supporting Russia and it’s brutal dictator, while turning away from and alienating those democratic nations who, up until 2 months ago, were are steadfast friends and allies – thus abandoning our long-time and proudly held role as leader of the free world.
If this does not frighten you, please open your eyes. This is making both our nation and the world more dangerous and volatile.
Is this the kind of America we now wish to live in, and to pass on to our children and future generations? Is this “making America great?”
History is watching, now with great sadness and worry as events unfold. It has been said that although history does not repeat, it often rhymes. And that is truly a terrifying thought.
Dale E. Buonocore
Sense of shame
Dear Editor,
Shame; a feeling that has most recently presented itself as one of the top emotions that I experience on a daily basis and a feeling that, sadly, I should not have to endure, for, it is not my actions that have led me to feel this particular way, but the actions of unsaid individuals.
I know though, with certainty, that I am not the only one who endures this unasked for emotion; there are millions of others who are being forced to endure it as well and what is disheartening is the fact that we are being ridiculed for feeling this particular way.
But, what those who are ridiculing do not see or quite possibly, refuse to see, is that they too should be experiencing this very same emotion.
For, the actions of again, unsaid individuals are very quickly bringing shame upon us all; upon us who don’t deserve it and if we don’t come together to realize this as a whole, sadly, the consequences will be immense.
America’s once seemingly strong, unbreakable foundation is slowly starting to crumble beneath our feet and if we all can’t open our eyes and see the shame in destroying our bonds with our allies, bullying people in our country and other countries of the world, in telling falsehoods consistently, then we as a nation have failed. If we want America to be what it was, I ask, please, share in this shame for I fear for what is to come if we don’t.
Deborah Lorenzo,