Dear Editor,
The word “government” as we know it today is derived from the Greek word “kubern’o”; meaning to “steer” or “guide” as well as “drive” or “direct”.
Regardless of specific opinions, I think it’s safe to say most people would agree that those ...
Dear Editor,
I read the 9/17 Times Observer article “Park & Lie” and just ended up very confused by the decision that was ultimately made.
Chief Deppen is quoted as saying that the handheld units used by parking staff show which zone users select. If my vehicle is parked in the ...
Even though it sometimes feels like it would have to move faster just to reach glacial pace, Pennsylvania’s election system is slowly moving into the 21st century.
Beginning Monday, voters now have an online option to apply for an absentee ballot ( The ...
Dear Editor,
I, for one, would be very appreciative if any news agency would publish a picture of the NRA membership card for any of the mass shooters. Even a picture of their hunting license might be sufficient. The NRA, with millions of members, is not the terrorist organization ...
Dear Editor,
So, Mr. Trump has reportedly made at least 12,000 demonstrably false or misleading claims during the course of his presidency thus far, which is truly quite an unprecedented achievement. In addition, he has never acknowledged the fallacy of any of these claims nor admitted to ...
Dear Editor,
What kind of a person, no less the President of our country, would manipulate a hurricane map to cover his ignorance with a blatant lie? Alabama was never threatened by Hurricane Dorian, according to the best scientific analysis at the hurricane center. As I recall, it does ...