Decisions not siding with sentiments of area
I wish to speak about democracy in our region. What is the problem? We have lost it.
It used to be that the majority ruled but that is not the case anymore. We now have two instances of this loss.
One is the school system. Those in charge rule regardless of what the majority wants.
Closing a school in any town is detrimental to any town. I think they are doing all of this backward. Leave the students where they are.
They claim they cannot afford this. Way back in an earlier meeting when this was stated, I heard a man say “That’s a lie.” Also, I saw two editions of The Guide that showed thousands of dollars being spent on weight loss products and on inflated salaries.
Why was no further comment made about these things? It must be that money is not the problem.
What about the losses that will go on. namely loss of teacher jobs, overcrowded parking lots, extra large classes, disrupting the student schedules, too much travel time for them, losing their alma mater, sports team losses, a lot less time to concentrate on any homework they get, the incentives of the kids will drop way down, putting kids at big risk being on the road all of that time, plus many other things.
They say that the students will not be offered certain courses. How are they offered to them? From the teacher that teaches it to them. How do you get the teacher in front of the student? You have the teacher travel to them. A lot less disruptive and only their car is on the road. You had better keep these schools open or you in authority are going to have untold problems. Parents, keep protesting and contacting those in charge.
Second case? Those in authority want a gravel pit.
Again, those in charge want it and the majority of citizens in that area don’t want it. Do you think the majority will win?
The citizens have a lot of good arguments against it but do you think that those in charge will listen to them? I doubt it.
Another case of promoting the death of democracy. It is a dirty shame about everything in this letter. We need to make changes and get people in charge that will restore freedom of choice by the majority.
Barry Keller is a Warren resident.