
Job reductions at ANF will take toll on county

The headline in the Feb. 22 edition of the Warren Times Observer reads “Forest Service layoffs may affect ANF.” How devastating would cuts to the ANF be to the Warren community? Let me give you the facts.

As of January, the Allegheny National Forest employed 151 full-time people spread between three offices in Warren, Bradford, and Marienville. These 151 foresters, engineers, hydrologists, wildlife biologists, archeologists, recreation specialists, and more, not only work on the ANF but they represent 151 families that own homes, shop for groceries in our markets, send their kids to our schools, and volunteer for many community organizations.

Many continue to live in our community long after they retire from the ANF. The economic and social benefits are substantial.

The economic contributions of the ANF itself were calculated in a 2019 report. The ANF contributes 1,540 jobs to the community that include loggers, oil and gas workers, recreation jobs, foresters, and more. This represents a total labor income of $71,642,000 and a total contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) of $108,826,000. No small potatoes!

In this same edition of the Times Observer was another letter to the editor about the closing of Youngsville High School and the financial crisis involving the funding of our schools.

What does this have to do with the ANF? Well in 2023, the four counties that include the ANF received $3,135,476.46 from gross receipts generated on Forest Service lands. Warren County’s share of this $3-plus million was $606,756.82 to support rural schools and roads. These funds are generated annually and come mainly from selling timber but also include recreation and oil and gas receipts.

So what can we do to ensure that no cuts in budget or employees come to the ANF? Call your Senators and Representatives. Their phone numbers are in this newspaper.

You may get an answering machine but state “I do not support cuts in employees or funds for the ANF. The economic impacts would be unacceptable.”

Supporters of the Park Service did this after more than 1,000 employees were fired and the administration reversed itself and is now trying to hire these employees back.

Support our National Forest and make the call.

Brad Nelson is a Russell resident.

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