
Left again fails to find balance

In the 1990s President Bill Clinton laid off and or fired over 377,000 federal employees in an attempt to balance the budget (which he did) and to reduce government. He had bipartisan support and was not referred to as a dictator, a wanna be king, a racist and so on. The Republicans didn’t boohoo or bellyache because they didn’t get their way, they supported the president of the United States in what he was doing for the better of the country!

In President Barack Obama’s time in office, he relieved 197 military officers in an attempt to align the Pentagon with his way of thinking! Nope no uproar or childish way of acting from the other side!

Obama was not labeled a dictator, a wanna be king, a racist, a nazi, nor was he compared to Hitler or Lucifer in any way! So this is the reason I wonder why it only seems to be wrong when President Donald Trump does it? I am willing to bet it is because Trump is not a career politician that doesn’t tell you one thing and do another!

Presidents Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, Trump, Biden and all the presidential candidates in this time frame campaigned on eliminating fraud, waste and abuse! Every single one of them! That tells me that both the left and the right wanted this. Yet when Trump the non-career politician does and is doing exactly what he said he was going to do, the left just cannot handle it and they are losing their minds over it!

Again why is it only wrong when Trump does it? The left just cannot put their hate and jealousy of a man doing what Democrats only talk about doing to the side and put the country first! If any of the above mentioned Democrats would have put their big boy pants on and done exactly what Trump is currently doing the lefties would be kissing the very ground that they walked on.

How about that border? Yep the one that Biden said that it was the Republicans in Congress fault for not passing the immigration reform bill. That was an outright lie for the simple fact that within 30 days into the Trump presidency the southern border is now more secure than ever in history without a bill passed.

The only sole reason that Biden and his worthless border czar did not secure the border was in future hopes all those illegal immigrants will vote democrat bottom line! Since the Democrats hate the way this country is currently being run just leave because it is easier these days than trying to get in!

The left is complaining that Elon Musk was not elected. Well you’re right. He was appointed by the president of the United States period. Deal with it!

Why, unless they have something to hide, would the left not want to save the billions and billions dollars that Musk is saving? There is talk about an up to $5,000 dividend check being sent to each U.S. tax-paying citizen since the Democrats do not like the idea that Musk is saving all this money. I expect them to not cash their check and maybe donate it to a very needy charity like U.S. homeless veterans. The left obviously does not have a problem using and wasting my tax dollars to take care of the illegal immigrants!

Brian R. Fajbik is a Warren resident.

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