The classifieds in last Thursday's newspaper advertised just what I had been looking for: a dorm fridge.
Wow! It never happens that someone is selling the perfect item at the perfect price. The kind voice that answered my call reassured me that it hadn't been sold, and was like new – used ...
After Pennsylvanians endured a year of Gov. Tom Wolf’s domineering COVID-19 response, they ratified landmark constitutional amendments that limit his emergency powers. But despite this resounding rebuke of Wolf’s penchant for unilateral control, the governor is just as much a “lone ...
When we visited a cousin last week she mentioned coming to the farm and enjoying chocolate pudding. Since we were dairy farmers, we always had milk on hand. I had forgotten about Evie’s Chocolate Pudding recipe.
My husband would take the two-quart metal bucket to the farm and bring home ...
“The world is changed by your example, not your opinion.”
That quote is from Paulo Coelho, the Brazilian writer, lyricist and religious philosopher. It leapt off the page when I read it, striking home in so many ways.
Most of what I learned from my mother, I learned from watching, not ...
JAMESTOWN — Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul was a road warrior, especially last summer during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and reopening that took place across the nation, traveling across New York state. Today, she is in the national spotlight.
Hochul will take the reins once Gov. Andrew ...
Maybe it’s just a professional preoccupation, but I’ve always been intrigued by why voters cast their ballots as they do. I’ve never made a formal study of it, but have talked with plenty of them over the years, and one thing sticks with me from those conversations: There’s no one ...