
Local Commentaries

View from Hickory Heights: Fact of longer lives

In one of my old cookbooks, I found this quote about the length of a human life. It is dated 1898. “The average of human life is about 33 years. One quarter die before the age of six, one-half die before reaching 17. To every 1,000 persons only one reaches 100 years of life. To every 100 only ...

Rounding Third: An evening with Jonathan Winters

The fog hung over the airport, in fact all of San Diego Bay was socked in. Visibility for takeoff or landing was zero. It was 1967, and I was commuting to my stewardess job in Los Angeles from San Diego. I needed to arrive at American Airlines LAX operations before 0700 to work the first ...

Another disappears

People often ask me where I get the ideas for my column. I tell them sometimes they come from conversation with others. Sometimes they come from reading things. Sometimes they come from life experiences. Sometimes they come from exposure to something. Today’s column comes from something ...

Rounding Third: New rides in the big old city

Small town living seldom requires the services of Uber or Lyft. But I was in New York City last week and had the opportunity to be a newly savvy traveler. I became an Uber user. I am a verified rider. I am so cool. It was fun, it was safe, and I enjoyed my drivers. And yes, it is fairly ...

Decisions not siding with sentiments of area

I wish to speak about democracy in our region. What is the problem? We have lost it. It used to be that the majority ruled but that is not the case anymore. We now have two instances of this loss. One is the school system. Those in charge rule regardless of what the majority wants. ...

View from Hickory Heights: Life goes on

When I was cleaning out one of my drawers, I came across this little folder. Of course, I took time to see what it was. It said it was favorite quotes from “Good Old Days” books. There were quotes from many noted people. One, interested me. It was from Robert Frost. It said, “In three ...