Our opinion: Mapping a vision for Youngsville
There’s a lot of good things packed into Youngsville’s 13-page downtown plan.
But the plan, developed by Downtown Redevelopment Services LLC of Ravenna, Ohio, will only go as far as the Youngsville Borough Council and borough manager Wendy Wilcox can take it.
The plan is broken up into phases, with the first ranging from initiation to year two. Council must now decide what to prioritize for implementation in this first phase. The consultant recommended starting by crafting a vacant property ordinance and implementing downtown design guidelines. The vacant property ordinance is recommended to include building use requirements limiting less impactful uses, thresholds for vacancy possession, a clear definition of what a “used” building is as opposed to a vacant one and incentives and penalties to encourage compliance. Downtown design guidelines could include a wide-range of requirements and recommendations to keep new development and remodeling in-line with existing development and goals for the area’s future. These could target building physical appearance, physical location, usage and other areas.
The real payoff would come with things that are harder to achieve, like incentivizing use of buildings, a facade improvement program and finding ways to create pop-up uses for vacant spaces and lots.
The plan also calls for a strategically located plaza or gathering space with recreational amenities downtown, child-friendly spaces downtown and better integration of bike trails into downtown Youngsville.
Times have changed for smaller townships and boroughs, and it’s difficult in 2023 to recreate the type of downtown Youngsville boasted 40 or 50 years ago.
But boroughs like Youngsville can create a sense of place that is uncommon in our disconnected, online-driven world. It just takes a lot more work and outside funding than it used to. Give Youngsville officials credit for taking a hard look at the borough and choosing to undertake a planning process.
Now the fun really begins.