Our opinion: Enrollment downturn hurts sports
Community opposition led Warren County School Board members to reconsider closing a school building earlier this year, instead opting to send students from Sheffield to Warren for several courses each day.
But there was another reminder this week that the enrollment issues that have plagued the district aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Gary Weber, district director of administrative support services, told board members enough students opted to play winter sports to have teams – but it was a close call, particularly in Youngsville.
“As it stands right now we have met the requirement, but will be on probation in nearly every winter sport for this season based on low numbers,” Paul Crider, Youngsville Middle-High School principal, said in a social media post. “Keeping our sports programs are a vital part of a student’s schooling and I would hate to see YMHS lose any more sports.”
Sports participation rates are another barometer by which to measure the types of opportunities the Warren County School District is able to offer students. Earlier this year the community heard about lack of course offerings because of a lack of teachers. Now, a school principal is airing a valid concern about not having enough students participating in winter sports.
A new group of board members will soon be taking their oaths of office after being swept into office largely by anti-school closure sentiment earlier this year. The community wasn’t happy to see Sheffield students being sent to Warren for core classes. Community members spoke loudly they don’t want buildings to close. But Weber’s report should be a sober reminder to these incoming school board members that eventually, they will find themselves tasked with making the sort of difficult decision they railed against earlier this year – but the numbers of students and teachers in our schools will likely be even lower than they were this year.