
Our opinion: Tax change good in long run

Warren County’s change to split tax bills is a step in the right direction even if it comes with some short-term pain for county residents.

Any system that results in regular borrowing to pay for regular bills — even at zero or no interest — is a system that needs to change. Free money doesn’t stay free forever, and county officials have seen over the past few years what happens when you have to pay regular bills with borrowed money. It costs more.

We have clung to one tax bill for local, school and county property taxes for long enough. Warren County is the last county in Pennsylvania to send only one tax bill for local taxes. It’s bad for taxpayers when local governments don’t have the cash flow to pay necessary obligations and it results in one big tax bill all at once rather than separate, smaller tax bills.

County and municipal taxes will be able to be paid between March 1 and April 30 at discount, between May 1 and June 30 at par and then from July 1 through Dec. 31 at penalty. The school district’s bill window will run from August 1 through Dec. 31.

One thing property owners need to be aware of is how mortgage companies will pay taxes. County officials said tax collection officials have been in contact with mortgage companies to notify them of the change, but property owners should take action as well to make sure their mortgage company is aware of the county’s changes so taxes are paid on time and homeowners aren’t penalized. It should be a one-time inconvenience – but beneficial to all of us in the long run.

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